Wednesday 11 September 2013

Black Holes in Space

“Imagine if you were flying through space and all of a sudden your rocket starts going faster than it should be and then it feels like someone is pulling your legs. Next thing you feel like you're a noodle but then you realise you're getting sucked into a black hole and that's the end of your life.

”Hi I’m Brodie and I will be telling you all about black holes on a tour through space. I know you have all heard that black holes are extremely dangerous but don't worry we have made a multi billion dollar rocket and there’s only a 1 in 100 chance that there will be an emergency. Oh, I had better stop scaring you, let’s go on our journey through space and by the way when you come back from this tour you will know 100 percent more about black holes.” “Can we go now?” “Yes let's go!”
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!!!

Mayday mayday we're coming up to a black hole” “Right let’s start telling these good people all about this black hole. This is one of a million black holes in our solar system. Black holes are made out of high force gravity which has unbelievable power and pulls in anything that gets too close to it. If we were to go any closer we would be sucked in and die but don't worry folks we won't dare to go any closer let’s continue to another black hole.”

Here we are, this is another one of the Milky Way’s black holes, this is a little bit bigger than the last one, as you can see there are a lot of red dots floating around. They’re stars, these are what black holes eat. The stars are red because we went a bit too close. No one needs to worry because we have installed a very special jet engine so we can blast away from the black hole if needed.

The reason we know if the gravity pull is coming is because we have installed special radars that sense the gravity pull from hundreds of kilometres away. So now you all know you are safe. Oh, while we're talking about emergencies there is a space helmet installed behind all of your seats if needed.“There is also a safety manual in case of an emergency which is very unlikely.”

“Wow look at this black hole it looks like it has just swallowed a star,we have to watch out because it spits out gas bombs which would easily destroy our ship in seconds. I really want to find a black hole eating a star it’s amazing trust me it spins the star round and round with its gravity pull.” “Sir we've just had a call from NASA Space Station and they suspect that there is a star getting eaten now.” “Right everybody tighten your seat belts we're going to see a star getting swallowed by a black hole.
“Let's go!”

“Here we are as you can see this star has drifted too close to the black hole and the gravity pull has caught it. Soon this star will be gone and then gas bombs will come shooting out. Did you know that a little black hole is called a Stella and as they eat more stars the black hole grows.Well I think our journey has come to an end and we will be back to earth in 10 hours. Let's go!”

“We will be landing soon so please fasten your seat belts this is going to be a bumpy ride!” Finally we are back on earth, isn't it a wonderful place.

Brodie Taylor

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